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The name of SOLIDARITY 

River of Life Church

" Delight yourself in the LORD
and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

The Christian Community in Pakistan ( Brickyard )

we're also working for The Brick Kiln ( Brickyard ). The Christian community in Pakistan faces a number of challenges and difficulties. Many community members are forced to work in brick kilns as bonded labor, with little to no pay and poor working conditions. This leads to a cycle of poverty and debt for many families. Additionally, brick kiln Christian community members often face discrimination and harassment based on their religious beliefs. They are also vulnerable to forced evictions and land grabs by powerful landlords. Furthermore, access to education and healthcare is limited for many in this community, leading to a lack of opportunities for social and economic advancement. Overall, the brick kiln Christian community in Pakistan faces a range of serious issues that impact their lives and livelihoods


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